Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happier Hour

The River North happy hour scene just got a whole lot beefier.

Bridge Bar, located on the top floor of Fulton’s on the River, opened this week with their MO being to bridge the culinary and cocktail worlds. Word on the street is they did just that. Calling itself a “cocktail kitchen,” the chefs and bartenders at Bridge Bar work in unison, combining ingredients from the bar to the plate and vice versa. Enter the Bull Shot: jerky infused vodka, beef bouillon, lemon juice, Tabasco and Worcestershire.

I mean…meat-infused liquor? This joint knows its crowd.

And for the food? Think Lobster Dogs (complete with tomato, pickle, relish, onion and mustard), Beer Mussels and, ahem, Popcorn-Fit (duck fat, coriander, pork confit and parmesan).

Did we mention the bar boasts over 90 whiskeys?

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