To showcase the taste differences between ancient beers and beers of today, Bluebird is hosting “A Taste of History: Ancient Brews.” What exactly does the tasting entail? Bluebird says:
“We've put together the quirkiest, most esoteric tasting ever to give you a snapshot of how beer has developed over the centuries with ancient styles such as Sahti & beer brewed with heather instead of hops. One of the only chances this year to taste smoked, blended, sour, & funky 'brews' that transcend history all on the same night. Join us in a celebration of ancient beer traditions!”
Not sure how we feel about beer being “sour & funky,” but we’re still on board.
The tasting is being held on Tuesday, March 29th, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Reservations recommended at info@bluebirdchicago.com
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