Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ancient Brew Tasting at Bluebird

Beer has been in the memories (or lack thereof…) of family and friends leading back to our great great great great…you get the idea…grandparents. How long exactly? 7,000 years.

To showcase the taste differences between ancient beers and beers of today, Bluebird is hosting “A Taste of History: Ancient Brews.” What exactly does the tasting entail? Bluebird says:

“We've put together the quirkiest, most esoteric tasting ever to give you a snapshot of how beer has developed over the centuries with ancient styles such as Sahti & beer brewed with heather instead of hops. One of the only chances this year to taste smoked, blended, sour, & funky 'brews' that transcend history all on the same night. Join us in a celebration of ancient beer traditions!”

Not sure how we feel about beer being “sour & funky,” but we’re still on board.

The tasting is being held on Tuesday, March 29th, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Reservations recommended at info@bluebirdchicago.com

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