Friday, May 13, 2011

Keep, Toss, Buy - French Fashion

After a little trip to France, we're making some slight wardrobe tweaks to make us look all too Parisian. Based on what we saw on the street, err rue - here's what we recommend keeping, tossing and buying to make your look tres chic for summer:

Keep - black opaque tights, oxford shoes, combat boots, the ballerina bun and denim tops (not all in the same look, of course). Everyone in the City of Light is rocking these looks. Luckily, so are we! Keep 'em.

Toss - the mini, over-the-knee boots and the oversized bag. We saw a lot in Paris but these fashions were nowhere to be found.

Buy - Slouchy trousers and flare jeans. Grab anything you can find from pleated waistlines to a big bell, French femmes are loving a voluminous pant. Buy 'em now at ShopBop and Urban Outfitters.

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