Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Coffee Culture

We've traveled far and wide to fuel our coffee cravings. Let's just say that coffee is one thing a Delve girl cannot live without. Lucky for us, the city has some lovely, local coffee houses with great beans and talented baristas.

Breeze past the Starbucks and Dunkin and grab a cup at one of these neighborhood spots:

Southside -
Bridgeport Coffee (3101 S. Morgan Ave.)

Northside - Metropolis (1039 W. Granville Ave.)

Wicker Park/Bucktown - Filter (1373 N. Milwaukee Ave.), Wormhole (1462 N. Milwaukee Ave.)

Logan Square - Ipsento (2035 N. Western Ave.)

Loop and Beyond - Intelligentsia (3123 N. Broadway Ave., 53 W. Jackson Blvd., 53 E. Randolph St.)

What's your go-to coffee spot? Please do tell.

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