Thursday, June 2, 2011

Password, Please?

We had our first SpeakEasy moment last night. Not familiar? Here's what you need to know. SpeakEasy, the monthly members-only traveling social club brings together a few fine folk for premium drinks and sweet sounds the first Wednesday of each month. Last night we gathered at Neat Lounge (the soon-to-open whiskey lounge in the WP). On the agenda for the evening? A small, discrete party with about 50 other partygoers, craft cocktails and... plaid? The plaid and argyle theme threw us a bit but we dug the Limoncello vodka cocktails with cayenne pepper and swayed to the beats of Shala.

We love this exclusive idea and quite obviously live for new bars and fab cocktails. Bottom lime - we know what we'll be doing this time next month. Learn more about SpeakEasy or apply for membership at

If you're curious, Neat is located at Division and Paulina (in the old Edge space) and is opening in 2 weeks. Verdict is still out on this joint, we need more details and a cocktail menu before we can fully evaluate.

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