Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Delve's Fool-Proof Wine List

Taking off our expert hat for un momento, it’s time to get real. We like to think we know our wine, but when it comes down to it, we’re far from the sommelier-self-entitlement that we oh-so desire. But what we do know about wine, is it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to be a crowd pleaser.

When you’re grabbing a bottle for yourself, that’s the time to experiment and try new wines. But when you’re in need of a bottle for a party, BBQ, etc. it’s imperative to have a few go-to’s. While our choice advice (for obvious reasons) would be to send you off to do hours and hours of scouring wine shop shelves and tasting tens of hundreds of bottles so that you too can find your list of go-to wines, we decided to instead give you a few of our own.

Behold, Delve’s top seven (one for every day of the week!) fool proof, people-pleasing, take-me-anywhere wines. From left to right, red to white:

  • Layer Cake Malbec (Argentina) - $14.99
  • Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon (California) - $10.99
  • 337 Cabernet Sauvignon (California) - $14.99
  • Mirassou Pinot Noir (California) - $11.99
  • Cupcake Chardonnay (California) - $12.99
  • Conundrum Table Wine (California) - $22.99
  • Groth Sauvignon Blanc (California) - $19.50

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