Monday, June 13, 2011

Opening Tonight: Lady Gregory's

Two things we love - whiskey and Kyle McCugh - are taking over the bar at Andersonville’s just-opened Lady Gregory’s. The guys behind Wilde and Beckett’s Public House had the opening of their latest offspring pushed back after a fire destroyed the almost-finished gastropub, but they’re finally up and running.

In addition to the cocktail menu boasting 300 whiskeys and 100-ish beers, Boozehound Kyle McCugh (formerly of Drinks over Dearborn) owns the cocktail list, most of which are (no surprise here) whiskey-based.

On our list of can't-wait-to-try dishes:

  • Hard cider steamed mussels
  • Lobster mac & cheese
  • Hot dog/polish duo (Romanian Kosher Sausage Co. hot dog and Polish sausage)

Full menu here.

Still recovering from a weekend of street fest’ing and can’t possibly think about drinking at a time like this? Rumor has it Lady Gregory’s has a barista onsite turning out coffee drinks every afternoon.

So pop in, grab a 5 Rabbit and cozy up by the fireplace. There are plenty of books to be read and people to be watched.

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