Thursday, June 30, 2011


Stalking the Gaztro-Wagon Twitter feed trying to get your hands on some pork cheek? Sooo last month.

Starting tonight, at least seven of Chicago’s favorite food trucks will be gracing the parking lot of Ethyl’s Beer & Wine Dive every Thursday night from 6-9 p.m.

Already confirmed for tonight are Gaztro-Wagon, Southern Mac and the Meatyballs Mobile.

Needless to say, you know where we’ll be. Meatball in one hand, craft beer in the other. All while posted up at Ethyl's amazing patio at 324 S. Racine.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Delve's Fool-Proof Wine List

Taking off our expert hat for un momento, it’s time to get real. We like to think we know our wine, but when it comes down to it, we’re far from the sommelier-self-entitlement that we oh-so desire. But what we do know about wine, is it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to be a crowd pleaser.

When you’re grabbing a bottle for yourself, that’s the time to experiment and try new wines. But when you’re in need of a bottle for a party, BBQ, etc. it’s imperative to have a few go-to’s. While our choice advice (for obvious reasons) would be to send you off to do hours and hours of scouring wine shop shelves and tasting tens of hundreds of bottles so that you too can find your list of go-to wines, we decided to instead give you a few of our own.

Behold, Delve’s top seven (one for every day of the week!) fool proof, people-pleasing, take-me-anywhere wines. From left to right, red to white:

  • Layer Cake Malbec (Argentina) - $14.99
  • Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon (California) - $10.99
  • 337 Cabernet Sauvignon (California) - $14.99
  • Mirassou Pinot Noir (California) - $11.99
  • Cupcake Chardonnay (California) - $12.99
  • Conundrum Table Wine (California) - $22.99
  • Groth Sauvignon Blanc (California) - $19.50

Birds of a Feather

So there's this trend circulating, and it involves people wearing feather extensions in their hair. We know a lot of people are loving the look, but for some reason, we're just not into it.

But what we can get behind is a pair of stunning feather earrings that give off the same bohemian, one-with-nature kind of vibe, minus the questionable taste. Whether you want exotic colors or dramatic length, we’ve found the feather earring for you. Light, fashionable and (for the most part) an affordable summer trend? We’re so there.

From Left to right:

Serefina Mod Parrot Earrings $45

Geometric Bead Feather Drop Earring $20

Jeeyun Ha Designs Feather Drop Earrings $185

Love Child Chain Drop Earring $66

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Whistler's New Backyard Bar

We've never hidden our love for the man, the myth, the legend behind the best mustache in town: Mr. Paul McGee of The Whistler. Constantly a fixture behind the best cocktails in Chicago, McGee is giving Chicagoans an entirely new reason to love The Whistler: Enter The Whistler's new Backyard Bar.

As you can see, it's everything we would expect (nothing less, nothing more) from a backyard soiree thrown together by The Whistler.

You may be asking what the difference is from this and the yard that formerly existed in the space. Well, the main difference (other than the very fancy string of lights now adorning the yard) is a selection of top-quality libations that we know, love and expect of master mixologist McGee (let's call him M3). Now, guests can step away from the brews on the patio and order up a Martinique Swizzle - rhum agricole, lime juice, cane sugar, absinthe, bitters, magnificent quantities of mint (recipe via Urban Daddy).

As if we needed one more reason to venture to Logan Square...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Get Fly

We must admit, we have been insanely jealous of our NYC counterparts who have been bragging about how great they feel after their Soulcycle/Flywheel classes. Not only do these spin-based classes get you slim with 45 minutes of Cardio, but they add weights and yoga for a core workout that tones and creates muscle definition. Basically, it’s the workout of our dreams.

Needless to say, when out east-coast comrades told us that Flywheel Sports is coming to Chicago to set up their Midwest flagship in July, we started to jump for joy (as did our knees who have been begging for reprieve from the treadmill for quite some time). While the exact opening date in July is TBD, we can tell you the location for the studio is set for 710 North State Street (State and Superior) and will be offering up Flywheel’s revolutionary approach to indoor cycling (complete with expert instructors, cutting edge technology and get-your-groove-on music) on a daily basis.

To receive updates on when they’re unveiling the studio and how to be part of pre-opening events visit them here.

Friday, June 24, 2011

5 at 5: Our Weekend Recos

Yet another busy summer weekend on the horizon. Here's what's on our agenda. How are you spending the weekend?

Our favorite Sunday of the year. Head north to Halsted and Belmont for a fabulous time. Parade kicks off at noon.

Reggie's Trainwreck Rooftop Deck
(2105 S. State St.): We're South Loop bound to scope out Reggie's new rooftop addition which may or not be equipped with a pull shower. This we've gotta see.

Chicago Summerfest in Lincoln Park: Live bands and beer for a donation of $5. We're in.

Brunch Opening: Brunch is always part of our weekend to-do's so Brunch (the restaurant), which just opened this week, is quite obviously at the top of our list.

The Taste: While we DO NOT recommend going to The Taste over the weekend, we DO recommend calling up your best pals or coworkers this weekend to coordinate a weekday Taste trip. No chance we're headed there on a Saturday or a Sunday.

Happy weekend to all!

Must See: OBEY Mural

We don’t spend a lot of time under viaducts but after seeing the Shepard Fairey "OBEY" mural under Lake Shore Drive at Grand Avenue we might make a habit of it. This poster mural, the first Chicago installation for the artist, is part of the Navy Pier Walk 2011 art exhibit and will be displayed until October. The mural is made up of various album cover like black and white images and measures 130 X 10 feet.

Not familiar with Shepard Fairey? The street artist has been plastering huge stickers of Andre the Giant (as seen in the Navy Pier mural) on city streets throughout the world since 1989. His star grew when he created the famed Obama “Hope” poster. Here’s how Fairey explains the meaning behind his famous stick-on art…“Giant stickers are both embraced and rejected…whether the reaction be positive or negative, the stickers existence is worthy as long as it causes people to consider the details and meanings of their surroundings. In the name of fun and observation.”

So take a stroll to Streeterville and have a little fun in observation of this mural. Photos do it little justice.