We've never hidden our love for the man, the myth, the legend behind the best mustache in town: Mr. Paul McGee of The Whistler. Constantly a fixture behind the best cocktails in Chicago, McGee is giving Chicagoans an entirely new reason to love The Whistler: Enter The Whistler's new Backyard Bar.
As you can see, it's everything we would expect (nothing less,
nothing more) from a backyard soiree thrown together by The Whistler.
You may be asking what the difference is from this and the yard that formerly existed in the space. Well, the main difference (other than the very fancy string of lights now adorning the yard) is a selection of top-quality libations that we know, love and expect of master mixologist McGee (let's call him M3). Now, guests can step away from the brews on the patio and order up a Martinique Swizzle - rhum agricole, lime juice, cane sugar, absinthe, bitters, magnificent quantities of mint (recipe via Urban Daddy).
As if we needed one more reason to venture to Logan Square...