Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Until Next Time...

If you've noticed our posting hasn't been up to par lately, it's because the Delve team is getting ready to make some moves (both geographically and professionally). While we're going on a brief hiatus, rest assured that we'll undoubtedly be back! Thanks for your readership over the past year and we promise to be back before you know it. 

In the meantime, keep in touch:

Leslie & Amy 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


New Obsession: Lily Dawson Designs

Last week, Delve caught up with our latest obsession on the jewelry scene: Lily Dawson. The fashion student turned hand-made accessories designer dishes on all things style - from what inspires her pieces to her love of a well-edited arm party. 

Delve: Where do you get the inspiration for your pieces?
LDD: All over the place!  Often what's happening on the runways, but also random things I see in my everyday life that causes me to pause and say "Hey, that could be a cool necklace!"

Delve: If you could raid the accessories closet of any celeb or designer, who would it be?
LDD: Accessories alone I would probably choose Rachel Zoe.  Her shoes rock.

Delve: Coco Chanel is quoted for saying “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewelry.” - Agree? Or agree to disagree?
LDD: Yes yes, totally agree.  I want to create pieces that aren't just "easy".  You need to do some serious editing and not just put everything on together.  I love to see all the different ways people are wearing my things. For instance, I always envisioned this bracelet being worn alone or stacked with an arm party of various bracelets.  And a boutique owner in China shared this photo of two bracelets stacked together with another one of mine---blew my mind!

Delve: What's next for LDD?
LDD: I'm really looking forward to the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago.  I applied last year and didn't make it, so this year I was floored to be chosen. I just take business as it comes, that has always been my philosophy.  I trust that I will grow appropriately based on the various avenues of exposure that LDD takes.

Want more? Check out Lily's site here.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'll Take Ya to the LollaShop...

Still haven’t scored your ticket to Lolla? Not to worry. Despite the sell out, there’s still hope.

LollaShop opens its doors tomorrow at Michigan and Van Buren (332 S Michigan Ave to be exact!) giving groveling Chicagoans one final chance to win free passes. That’s right…free. First drawing kicks off tomorrow, with another on the 30th and a final on the 2nd.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Couture Cocktail'ing 101

At-home bar must-haves. How to bartend like you’ve been doing it your entire life. How to impress any guy with your bar skills.

These are just a few things the Delve crew covered off on with cocktail couture expert Revae Schneider. She’s the founder of Femme du Coupe, a bespoke cocktail and bar styling company servicing those in Chicago looking to be on top of their entertaining game.

What makes her an expert in stylish cocktail’ing? Revae spent her earlier years as a personal shopper for the likes of Marc Jacobs and Neiman Marcus, as well as a bevy of personal clients for whom she styled their homes and closets. That, coupled with her knowledge of the libation scene from years of bartending, brought Revae to the forefront of the bespoke cocktail scene here in Chicago.

Delve: What are the must-haves for an in-home bar that’s not intimidating to bartending novices?
Revae: A good vodka is a must because it’s universally liked by guys and girls. I also recommend having a gin on hand, but one that’s not juniper forward. And of course, a good whiskey. In addition to those spirits, I rely on orange, and recently ginger, liqueurs quite often. As far as the extras (bitters, etc.) go, fresh citrus is a necessary ingredient in any specialty cocktail. (Side note: Revae taught us that fresh citrus goes bad within 4-5 hours, so ditch the bottles lemon juice. Who knew?).

Delve: What is one drink that every girl should know how to make?
Revae: A French 75 (gin, lemon juice, sugar and champagne)

Delve: What advice do you have for newbies at cocktail creation?
Revae: Stock your at-home bar by shopping for a specific cocktail. If you have a few ingredients that you know can work together to create a great cocktail, you’ll wow your guests. Creating one cocktail that’s a hit is better than having a fully stocked bar that you don’t know how to navigate.

Delve: What style trends are you loving for at-home bars?
Revae: I would definitely go with a bar cart for housing all spirits and bar tools. And I’m a huge fan of vintage glassware.

Planning an event? Revae even does house calls. We’re talking everything from bachelorette parties (hello, mixology class) to food pairings. Check out offerings from Femme du Coupe here

*Photo via Femme du Coupe

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BHB Here to Stay - Sort Of.....

We’ve heard the back and forth about the fate of Bleeding Heart Bakery for a few months now and are excited to share (with a huge sigh of relief) that things have sort of been settled. Scott Weiner and Greg Mohr (the team behind Roots Handmade Pizza and the recently-opened Homestead) will take over full ownership, splitting from previous owners Vinny and Michelle Garcia. We’re not overly excited about the fact that the bakery and café will now be called West Town Bakery & Diner, but it’s a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things.

Just please, please do not change the menu.

The café will close this weekend and open its doors back up under the new name on the 28th.

Monday, July 16, 2012

DIY Popsicles and Prosecco

We’ve seen a recent uptick in boozy frozen treats here in Chicago, but we’ve decided to take matters into our own hands. The Conrad New York recently introduced us to puree popsicles soaked in prosecco. In order to avoid the temptation of flying to-and-from NYC every time we’re craving one of said treats, we suggest making them in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is place an all-fruit popsicle top down in a wine glass and pour prosecco over each. Easy as that! Too hot outside to keep the popsicles frozen? Not to worry, it makes for an amazing slushy of sorts as they melt.

Don’t want to go through the hassle of whipping them up yourself? Pop into one of the below for spiked frozen treats made to order:  

  • Red Door (Bucktown) – Adult snow cones with flavors like the manhattan, old-fashioned and pear mojito.
  • Dragon Ranch Moonshine & BBQ (River North) – “The Bushwacker” is a frozen moonshine concoction featuring the likes of two rums, Kahlua, coconut and lots and lots of chocolate.
  • Boiler Room (Logan Square) – Three words: Jameson soft serve.
*Photo via The Conrad New York

Friday, July 13, 2012

Out with Il Mulino, in with Mr. Chow?

Our friends at Eater are reporting that the dimly lit, uber romantic spot Il Mulino is moving on out of the historic Biggs Mansion. We were bummed to hear the news... that is until these two new pieces of information trickled in:

1. Rumours are swirling that Mr. Chow (famed delicious, yet pricey Chinese joint already in Miami, LA, NYC and London) will be moving into the space following an extensive revamp

2. Il Mulino won't be leaving Chi-Town, rather just re-locating (new spot still TBD)

While all is just speculation at this point, you won't hear any complaints from us having both of these upscale eateries in Chicago.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

RPM Steak?!

photo courtesy of Us Weekly
This week's US Weekly is reporting that not only are Bill & Guiliana getting a baby, but the RPM family is growing as well! Bill reveals in the article news of RPM's upcoming spin-off:

"We opened RPM Italian at the beginning of this year and we're having a lot of fun and really enjoying it, so we decided we'd open another one called RPM Steak. It's going to be in Chicago as well. It'll be about two blocks from RPM Italian, and then we're eyeing Vegas for the next RPM!"

No more details at this point aside from the fact that RPM Steak is currently under construction and is set to open the beginning of 2013. Another steakhouse in Chicago? Eh. More good eats/Bill & Guiliana? Yes!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Luxury Garage Sale Puts Down Roots

The fabulous consignment house Luxury Garage Sale is finally setting up shop in Old Town. Come late summer/early fall, the new store (popping up on Wells), will feature a carefully curated collection of their favorite ‘finds’ like Chanel handbags, vintage Balenciaga and more. Unlike other consignment shops around town, LGS will sell items right from within the store, so you don't have to go home and go through the hassle of bidding online.

The new store promises to carry unique finds that change on a daily basis, but this isn't your average vintage store with pieces that reek faintly of mothballs. The stylish owners (Lindsay and Brielle) guarantee that they won't carry anything in their stores that they wouldn't wear themselves. The biggest draw of the business is also one of LGS’s best kept secrets – many top boutiques sell their extra inventory on Luxury Garage Sale at up to 85% off (we’re talking Tucker silk blouses, with the tags on, for under $100).

So what kind of great deals/finds can you expect at the new LGS store? Below are some of the goods that the girls are currently lusting after (also available via their eBay store now).
Chanel Bag

Mark Heister Beaded Cape

Vintage Gold Necklaces

Hermes Alligator Birkin Bag