Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New Obsession: Lily Dawson Designs

Last week, Delve caught up with our latest obsession on the jewelry scene: Lily Dawson. The fashion student turned hand-made accessories designer dishes on all things style - from what inspires her pieces to her love of a well-edited arm party. 

Delve: Where do you get the inspiration for your pieces?
LDD: All over the place!  Often what's happening on the runways, but also random things I see in my everyday life that causes me to pause and say "Hey, that could be a cool necklace!"

Delve: If you could raid the accessories closet of any celeb or designer, who would it be?
LDD: Accessories alone I would probably choose Rachel Zoe.  Her shoes rock.

Delve: Coco Chanel is quoted for saying “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewelry.” - Agree? Or agree to disagree?
LDD: Yes yes, totally agree.  I want to create pieces that aren't just "easy".  You need to do some serious editing and not just put everything on together.  I love to see all the different ways people are wearing my things. For instance, I always envisioned this bracelet being worn alone or stacked with an arm party of various bracelets.  And a boutique owner in China shared this photo of two bracelets stacked together with another one of mine---blew my mind!

Delve: What's next for LDD?
LDD: I'm really looking forward to the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago.  I applied last year and didn't make it, so this year I was floored to be chosen. I just take business as it comes, that has always been my philosophy.  I trust that I will grow appropriately based on the various avenues of exposure that LDD takes.

Want more? Check out Lily's site here.

1 comment:

  1. I adore her too!! I bought a necklace from her at the Renegade Craft Fair in SF and recently did a style shoot with it. It's such a statement piece.

    Jules of Canines & Couture
