Monday, August 15, 2011

Alessi Says Goodbye to Chicago

First the bad news: Alessi, Chicago’s favorite Italian design factory, announced last week that they are officially closing their State Street doors this September. And now for the good: everything is on sale. Major sale. We’re talking a sale of “everything must go” proportions.

Racked filled us in on the below sales, with many many more where these came from.

(From left to right) The Super Star hors d’oeuvres bowl by Tom Kovac (was $150, now $75); the Hupla espresso set designed by David Chipperfield as part of the Tea and Coffee Towers project (was $112, now $56); and the Fruitscape fruit holder by Stefano Giovannoni (was $210, now $105).

The sale ends September 3rd and with discounts ranging from 40-75% off, we trust that we don’t need to coach you on the urgency of this sale. We’re in the home stretch of wedding season, so head in and stock up on gifts to help you ride it out.

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