Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Until Next Time...

If you've noticed our posting hasn't been up to par lately, it's because the Delve team is getting ready to make some moves (both geographically and professionally). While we're going on a brief hiatus, rest assured that we'll undoubtedly be back! Thanks for your readership over the past year and we promise to be back before you know it. 

In the meantime, keep in touch:

Leslie & Amy 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


New Obsession: Lily Dawson Designs

Last week, Delve caught up with our latest obsession on the jewelry scene: Lily Dawson. The fashion student turned hand-made accessories designer dishes on all things style - from what inspires her pieces to her love of a well-edited arm party. 

Delve: Where do you get the inspiration for your pieces?
LDD: All over the place!  Often what's happening on the runways, but also random things I see in my everyday life that causes me to pause and say "Hey, that could be a cool necklace!"

Delve: If you could raid the accessories closet of any celeb or designer, who would it be?
LDD: Accessories alone I would probably choose Rachel Zoe.  Her shoes rock.

Delve: Coco Chanel is quoted for saying “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewelry.” - Agree? Or agree to disagree?
LDD: Yes yes, totally agree.  I want to create pieces that aren't just "easy".  You need to do some serious editing and not just put everything on together.  I love to see all the different ways people are wearing my things. For instance, I always envisioned this bracelet being worn alone or stacked with an arm party of various bracelets.  And a boutique owner in China shared this photo of two bracelets stacked together with another one of mine---blew my mind!

Delve: What's next for LDD?
LDD: I'm really looking forward to the Renegade Craft Fair in Chicago.  I applied last year and didn't make it, so this year I was floored to be chosen. I just take business as it comes, that has always been my philosophy.  I trust that I will grow appropriately based on the various avenues of exposure that LDD takes.

Want more? Check out Lily's site here.