But as per usual with the Melman’s, we were pleasantly surprised.
Taking over the 435 N. Clark St. space, will now be two separate floors of imbibing – both with a personality all of its own. Upstairs will be the country western bar, focusing on a selection of the best in dark spirits and cocktails (hello craft beers and whiskey). The Joe’s team will still be in the mix, booking intimate music acts for the country-loving crowd. The downstairs, on the (completely) other hand, will bring to life the tiki lounge theme that has slowly but surely been making its way to Chicago. Here, McGee will be working up a menu of his own take on tropical favorites. Not looking for a pina colada from Mr. McGee? Not to worry. He’s promising a lineup of the classic craft cocktails that drinkers everywhere have come to love him for.
As far as bar names go, the brothers are bringing back the name “Bub City” (the name of a former LEYE country-themed restaurant from the 80s) for the upstairs country-western bar. The tiki lounge name is TBD.
Opening for both is set for Summer 2012.
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